Our Story

After meeting, living and marrying in Texas, the Buckley’s felt a call to come to the east coast. They leased out their home, sold and gifted many possessions and put the remaining items in storage bins to be eventually shipped to wherever they landed. (Fun fact: they initially thought they were to move to China so they prepared for that as well).
However, they weren’t clear of all of the details. In the meantime, they moved to NJ (temporarily, so they thought) and stayed with Pastor O.L.’s father-in love, Bishop Walter E. Holmes as he was pastoring Highpoint Bible Church, NYC (formerly Word of Faith Christian Center).
As full-time entrepreneurs who started their business in Dallas, they would frequently fly back and forth from Dallas to NJ until more clarity came for next steps. They lived out of their suitcases until they got further clarity. That season lasted for a little over 2 years.
While headed back to NJ from Texas, Bishop Holmes unexpectedly passed. It was Dec 5th, 2017. After a series of events, O.L. became the interim Pastor and later became installed as the Pastor. Both he and his wife of 12 years are honored to serve in their new capacities and are expectant to see God do great things in this new chapter.
To be continued…